NEUHAUS NEOTEC Maschinen- und Anlagenbau GmbH is the specialist in the construction of plants for the food, fine chemicals, chemical and pharmaceutical industries. In the field of coffee processing, the company is one of the world's leading manufacturers when it comes to planning complete roasting plants, coffee processing lines including instant coffee production as well as grinding. In the field of "Particle Technology", NEUHAUS NEOTEC supplies customer-specific solutions for the processes of drying, agglomeration, spray granulation, microencapsulation and coating based on the fluid bed technology.
Since 1990 NEUHAUS NEOTEC has been part of the KAHL Group, which employs approx. 950 people worldwide. In the course of the present growth strategy, the two business units are now to focus even more strongly on their respective markets. In order to better exploit synergies in worldwide customer service, the "Particle Technology" division will therefore become part of AMANDUS KAHL with effect from 01 July 2022.
With the integration of this business field, the product range of the world-renowned pellet mill manufacturer AMANDUS KAHL is expanded by another technology area. The company is already successfully active in the food, chemical and pharmaceutical industries, supplying machines, complete process lines and turnkey production plants for conditioning and pelleting various products. The extension by "NEUHAUS NEOTEC Particle Technology" expands and rounds off the scope of supply on both sides. The aim is to jointly become even more successful and better known and to occupy an even larger market share. New as well as existing customers can expect high quality, close cooperation and support from the familiar staff from the very first minute.
NEUHAUS NEOTEC will continue to grow in its main business area of coffee, and deepen the strategic partnership with DEVEX.
The "Particle Technology" division will maintain its proven location in Ganderkesee near Bremen and will be represented in future by the name "AMANDUS KAHL FLUIDIZED BED SOLUTIONS". The pilot plant in Ganderkesee is being further expanded as an innovation centre and offers a variety of different process technologies for roasting, grinding, drying, powder refinement and extract production that is unique in Germany.