الاتجاهات والتطوير والبحث - ولكن أيضًا آخر الأخبار عن شركتنا: ابقَ مطلعًا هنا على آخر الأخبار، وتعرف على أحدث أحوال الشركة.
In Hamburg we help each other
AMANDUS KAHL shows solidarity with the Hagenbeck Zoo and buys tickets worth 20.000€ for giving financial support during the Corona crisis.
KAHL Fabric Belt Drier
For gentle drying of wood, straw and other long-fibre products prior to pelleting.
KAHL Service Hotline
The contact partners you are acquainted to will take care of your requests in the usual way. We have also set up a new service hotline for you.
New Level of Production: Pellet Mill 65-1500
The largest flat die press for the production of wood pellets on the current economic market - manufactured by AMANDUS KAHL.
After 32 years: A generation change in the marketing department at AMANDUS KAHL
The year 2019 ends as one of the most successful years for AMANDUS KAHL. However, it also ends with a major change in the marketing department. After…
Digital networking of the food and feed industry 2019
For the third time, the International Research Association Feed Technology e.V. (IFF) held the seminar "Digital Networking of the Food and Feed…
Cooperation between KAHL and Kazakh University
The KazAgro trade fair in Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan, is not only a place of dense concentration of technical know-how in the feed sector.
World's largest biomass power plant combusts KAHL wood pellets
The Bioenergy Europe board meeting took place in York, England, in mid-September. The world's largest biomass power plant, in which wood pellets…
TFIA were guests at Reinbek in 2019
The KAHL expander technology celebrates great success in Taiwan. It seems almost a matter of course that the members of the TFIA (Taiwan Feed Industry…