Our pilot plant helps you to optimise your products and processes. We help you to explore the market requirements, product trends and process developments. The pilot plant helps you to steadily optimise your products and processes.
AMANDUS KAHL offers decades of experience in test engineering. In our pilot plant, a comprehensive test data base with more than 2000 products from our international customers and prospective buyers is available.
Bespoke tests can be carried out with a few kilograms or several tons of product in our laboratory and pilot plant - according to your particular requirements. Process know-how, machines and plants as well as modern analysis instruments for quality assurance are at your disposal. Furthermore, we co-operate closely with renowned institutes. On the basis of the obtained results, plant designs and offers can be prepared individually.
As a matter of course, we ensure utmost confidentiality towards our customers and prospective buyers. The extensive tests include:
- Intensive preparation by means of product questionnaires and discussions with our customers
- Realisation of the tests by our test engineers
- Assistance to our customers by our sales staff
- Laboratory analyses
- Final discussion of the tests with the customer
We are a motivated and flexible team that meets the daily challenges in a professional manner and satisfies the hst siest sieigh demands of our customers in terms of innovation in process engineering and in plant and mechanical engineering. Ideas and developments are not necessarily completed once the tests has been conducted. Therefore, we are happy to assist you in the context of further tests, commissioning, performance test and optimisation of ongoing processes.
Your advantages
In our pilot plant, you can test your project in practice before buying a plant or machine. You will receive the best possible support from all AMANDUS KAHL divisions involved. We help you to explore the market requirements, product trends and process developments. Furthermore, we have tested a vast number of materials and thus dispose of a wide a variety of product samples.